Friday, July 22, 2011

Blog 4.3

There were a few spots in our presentation were I think we could of explained better. I think we could of actually shown what the levels would of looked like because without them, I think it was kind of hard to visualize what the delimiters or the rules are. I also think we could of shown a picture of what the platform would look like. It was kind of self explanatory when we said it was meant for cellphones but a visualization would of made it more clear what the classic side scroll would look like. So overall, more visualizations would of made this presentation better.It would of also been better if we had explained why we chose to play that music at the end instead of just playing it and letting the audience to guess what it was.
I think the concept we did the best with was the mechanics. In our presentation, we showed the controller and explained in depth what each button did. we also showed pictures of what the actions looked like so when we were explaining the attack button, we would show the hero attacking the villain.

Blog 4.1

blog 4.2

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blog 3.2

Blog 3.3

Blog 3.1

The pictures above are chosen from the artist Ben Goossens. As you can tell, the one on the bottom is the original one and the one on top is the re-framed one. As you can tell, these two photos share a lot more affinity in comparison. The reason why I re-framed this part of the photo is because I think that this part of the photo goes along a lot better by itself than using the whole photo as one. The re-framed photo has a lot more contrast to it than the original photo itself because the line and shape of the bird is more abstract whereas the egg in the cage is a lot more concrete. The lines being perceived by the cage and the egg are both going the same way. the face in the egg is facing up so there is this virtual line being perceived which goes parallel to the direction of the lines on the cage. You can also see the school building in the far background making these lines going vertical. The eggs are even standing straight up, creating another virtual line going vertical. The type of shot that is being used in both these photos is an extreme long shot. The reason for this is because you can see a very long horizon and you can not even see where it stops. the depth cues in the re-framed picture has really changed since I took out the main object in the original picture. The original picture had a very large foreground object which the bird-like creature used for a sense of depth. Now that the cage with the egg in it was removed, the bird-like creature now uses the school building as a background object for  sense of depth. In the new re-framed picture, you can also see a couple of eggs that the bird can also use as a sense of depth.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Audio Reflection 2.3

This is a pretty good song. Particularly, i enjoyed how the intensity of the song changes throughout it. At some parts it would began to get softer and softer, then all of a sudden the intensity would get loud which is something that I really enjoy in an electronic style song. It also seems very organized in the way it was formed. For the rhythm, to me, it seemed pretty regular and rhythmic because the beat was pretty much the same throughout the song which makes me enjoy it even more because I could bob my head to it which can’t be said with a lot of techno/electronic songs. Good job.

Hey Vivid, I actually thought it was not a bad song. in the beginning, I thought the rhythm was going to be set by the piano then I was really surprised that it wasn't however the rhythm did seem regular and rhythmic through the use of, i believe but could be wrong, the drums. The intensity seemed to be all over the places though. Some spots in the song seemed to me to be softer than others and some spots seemed louder than others. The speed of it however, seemed to stay the same in the entire song. It was very calming and stayed at a medium speed which turned this song into a great one.

Hey, I thought you did a fantastic job at this. i couldn't help but to notice how well you layered your song though. The organization, in my opinion, seemed almost perfect. Every time when you ended and instrument, the transition to the next instrument seemed perfect. The speed of the song was very moderate and it really lets you actually get into it. The intensity seemed to me, very soft. Of course, in some areas, particularly towards the end, it seemed to get a little louder but it was pretty much just soft throughout it. Overall I thought you did a pretty good job and I enjoyed listening to it.

Video Response 2.2 - Article - Video Response

Thursday, July 7, 2011

cover songs 2.1

Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooney - 

I Love Rock and Roll

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Love Rock N Roll

The song that I chose to compare is the song “I love rock and roll” by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts to Alex Gaudino & Jason Rooneys version of the song. The song was originally written in 1975 for Arrows but it did not really gain much popularity until Joan Jett and the Blackhearts covered it. This song has been covered a lot by different artist but these two are the ones that really stick out to me. The lyrics in Joan Jett’s song is pretty much the same as the original song performed by the Arrows but the lyrics in Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooneys song is completely different. All they sing is pretty much just the main chorus which is “I love rock and roll.” The melody of the song covered by these different artists could not be more different. For the Joan Jett version of the song, the melody is made mainly from the guitars and the drum making it sound like a classic rock song but from the Alex Gaudino & Jason Rooneys version, it seems like they used electric keyboards and maybe even placed a synthesizer in it giving it this techno feel to it. The Rhythm in these cover songs are also very different. For the Joan Jetts version, the rhythm is very constant and carried throughout the whole song by the drums. Even when Joan Jett was singing her brief solo part, you could still hear the drums in the background keeping the beat. In Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooneys version, the rhythm is very irregular. When they were playing the guitar, it would turn into this techno sound by numerous effects such as echoes and synthesizers. As for the organization, the Joan Jett version seems very organized and very efficient. The Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooneys version seemed very chaotic with its sounds. At one point it would play a guitar sound then it would kick into this unpredictable techno dance sound made by special effects.
When listening to these two songs, you can defiantly tell how different the emotions are in them. The speed of Joan Jett’s version of the song seems to be at some parts, to have a very medium pace whereas in Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooney’s version of the song, it seems it be very fast. In Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooney’s version of the song, you can defiantly tell that there is a more of a tension and release effect going on than in Joan Jett’s version. In their song, there was a nice guitar playing then you could tell that tension was being released when all of that techno dance sound started to come on.
The song that I would prefer to listen to would be the Joan Jett version of the song. The reason why I prefer this version over the other is because I just like how its more organized and more predictable than the other version. I also like how it keeps its rhythm throughout the song through the sound of the drums. Ultimately, I think this is just a more of a classical version of this song and it keeps true to itself by singing about rock and roll and then using classical rock and roll instruments.

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